Courtesy of Dick True, W7SAE
The RST and RSQ reporting systems were designed to facilitate a common method of exchanging signal reports and have been in use for many years. Both the amateur and military community use similar methodologies. The RST stands for Readability, Signal Strength and Tone. The Tone applies only to those use CW.
The RSQ system is the same except the Q stands for Quality of signal and is used primarily in digital communication such as PSK-31. This information is available in many books, internet sites etc. but is reproduced here for you. Keep in mind that without a signal strength meter then your interpretation of the Signal Strength value is based on your best estimate at the particular moment of receiving the signal, i.e reporting "4 by 8" would be "Readable with practically no difficulty" and "Strong signals".
Readability Signal Strength
1 - Unreadable 1 - Faint signals 6 - Good Signals
2 - Barely readable 2 - Very weak signals 7 - Moderately strong signals
3 - Readable with difficulty 3 - Weak signals 8 - Strong signals
4 - Readable with practically no difficulty 4 - Fair signals 9 - Extremely strong signals
5 - Perfectly readable 5 - Fairly good signals
The RST and RSQ reporting systems were designed to facilitate a common method of exchanging signal reports and have been in use for many years. Both the amateur and military community use similar methodologies. The RST stands for Readability, Signal Strength and Tone. The Tone applies only to those use CW.
The RSQ system is the same except the Q stands for Quality of signal and is used primarily in digital communication such as PSK-31. This information is available in many books, internet sites etc. but is reproduced here for you. Keep in mind that without a signal strength meter then your interpretation of the Signal Strength value is based on your best estimate at the particular moment of receiving the signal, i.e reporting "4 by 8" would be "Readable with practically no difficulty" and "Strong signals".
Readability Signal Strength
1 - Unreadable 1 - Faint signals 6 - Good Signals
2 - Barely readable 2 - Very weak signals 7 - Moderately strong signals
3 - Readable with difficulty 3 - Weak signals 8 - Strong signals
4 - Readable with practically no difficulty 4 - Fair signals 9 - Extremely strong signals
5 - Perfectly readable 5 - Fairly good signals